Midlife Inspiration from the Statue of David
There is a fascinating story behind the sculpting of the statue of David by Michelangelo. It's inspiring especially when we are making new year's...
5 Benefits for Taking a Spiritual Retreat in 2015
Can you remember what you were doing at the turn of the new millennium in 2000? There was so much anticipation about what that year would bring. Now...
Let’s Go Find Some Darkness
Pastor Mark Cowart, Senior Pastor at Church For All Nations in Colorado Springs, Colorado, shared the following story: "There was a little boy who...
5 Ways To Be a Person of Influence
The holidays produce mixed feelings for most of us. It could be our frustration that the true meaning of Christmas is buried under the commercialism...
Hope for Your Midlife Marriage
How often do you see a penny on the ground and don't bother to pick it up? It doesn't have much value anymore. I discovered that pennies have...
5 Benefits for Taking a Midlife Spiritual Retreat
Does taking time for a midlife spiritual retreat make sense? I have a midlife friend whose business requires him to conduct early morning...
Clarifying God’s Call in Midlife
Recently, I participated in a deeply engaging retreat in the mountains above Colorado Springs. It was led by my friend, Gary Barkalow, who is the...